Great Wall News

China cement plant around 50 percent of global cement output

2015-12-11 10:41:07

  30000,0000 tons of cement are produced and used worldwide every year. China uses around 50 percent of global cement output, but demand in India and Brazil is also strong and rising rapidly. Cement production is an energy-intensive process that traditionally uses coal, gas and oil to fire the kilns; as a result, CO2 emissions from cement plants are very high.

  With a view to significantly reducing these emissions, Great Wall Machinery offers technologies for the use of alternative fuels and raw materials (GW). In addition to biomass materials such as sewage sludge, paper and wood, these include residues and waste materials such as domestic and commercial refuse. Many of these alternative materials can be converted into high-grade fuels. Thanks to the latest technology, 60 percent of fossil primary fuels are already being replaced in this way in Germany, and roughly 20 percent in the rest of Europe. For this, Great Wall Machinery offers equipment for both thermal and mechanical processing. Great Wall Machinery already builds plants that can be operated entirely using alternative fuels. This not only improves the efficiency of new plants, it also helps significantly reduce the use of dwindling fossil resources.

  The main focus of the work to reduce raw-material-related CO2 emissions concerns the decomposition of the limestone in the raw material. This decomposition is responsible for about 60 percent of the direct CO2 emissions. The fundamental aim here is to minimise the clinker content in the cement and the cement content in the concrete, so that as little limestone as possible has to be used. If all optimisation possibilities are used, there is the potential to reduce the direct CO2 emissions from cement manufacturing by up to 40 percent.

  The use of GW combined with the optimized composition of cement and concrete offers the potential to reduce direct CO2 emissions by up to 40 percent.