Great Wall News

CHAENG VRM vertical grinding mill table making process

2018-07-09 10:23:51

The vertical roller mill is a large-scale grinding set integrating crushing, drying, grinding and grading and conveying. It has been widely recognized by many industries because of its high efficiency and energy saving. It has been widely applied to the grinding work of cement building materials, metallurgical chemicals, and coal power industries.

The grinding table is the key component of the vertical grinding mill. The quality of the grinding table directly affects the production operation of the vertical roller mill. The quality requirements of the grinding table are strict, it should avoid the casting defects such as shrinkage holes, sand holes and cracks.


vertical mill grinding table


The technical team of CHAENG (Great Wall Steel Casting) optimizes the casting process to improve the quality of the grinding table:

1. Wood mold modeling, use the infrared range finder, coordinate measuring instrument, endoscope and other instruments to control the mold and modeli